Frequently Asked Questions

1. How often should I have my teeth cleaned?

About twice a year; however you need to establish a relationship with your dental hygienist. She will advise you appropriately. Some people develop tartar and plaque  at a faster degree. This, left upon the gum tissue causes inflammation, red and bleeding gums and bad breath. Some people that have already had gum surgery need to be seen about every three months. And, some people can go years without needed a cleaning.

2. If I go to the dentist and he finds a cavity, how do I know he’s telling the truth when he says I need a crown rather than a normal filling?

The larger the “hole, or cavity” in the tooth, the more likely it is that a crown would be necessary.  Decay destroys tooth structure. Therefore a more durable restoration is required. There is though a gray area in regards to the choice of restoration. You might want to get a second opinion.

3. How do I know if I need root canal treatment ?

Inflammation within the tooth may start off as sensitivity. This may get worse when  exposed to hot or cold. This is the time to go to your dentist. Your body is telling you something is wrong. If symptoms persist without therapy, a toothache may occur. At this point the inflammatory process has progressed to the point where nerve damage has occurred. Root canal therapy may be necessary.

4. Are silver fillings that contain mercury dangerous ?

According to the American Dental Association silver fillings are safe. Silver fillings are alloys which mean they are composed of a combination of metals, including mercury. A small  percentage of patients may be sensitive to one of the metal components. Though replacement with a “composite” or tooth colored reinforced plastic restoration might be the solution, there are reports that people are sensitive to these types of restorations also.

5. Can I call a dental office and ask what they charge for certain services?

Fees vary based on a number of factors, including the competency of the dentist, years of experience, overhead of the dental office, honesty of the dentist and staff, etc. It is best to go for a consultation, ask reasonable questions and  then make an intelligent decision.

6. How do I know if I need a dental implant?

You must confer with your dentist. Dental implants are very good when indicated. However, there is an over utilization of these expensive restorative options. A complete dental examination is necessary.